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Flexible Learning in Action: Case Study in Higher Education (SEDA Series) - Insights from Experts an


Lingnan University, Hong Kong, recently accredited three programmes: Supporting Learning and Teaching (SLT@LU), a foundation for well-informed, reflective practice in a Liberal Arts higher education environment; Approaches to Learning Teaching and Assessment (ALTA@LU), developing course design and assessment using a Problem Based Learning approach; Active and Blended Learning Enhancement (ABLE@LU), employing an experiential and action learning approach to develop this priority area of teaching practice.

Flexible Learning in Action: Case Study in Higher Education (SEDA Series)

The nature of higher education has changed considerably in the last three decades with the introduction of fees, removal of the cap on student numbers and regulation through the Office for Students. SEDA has been a constant presence through these times of change and adapted its provision to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant. This includes opportunities for sharing practice and networking through online and face-to-face events and communities of practice, the SEDA Fellowship Scheme for the professional recognition of those who support, lead and inspire educational change (and the soon-to-be-launched Student Partnership Impact Award), accreditation of courses through our Professional Development Framework, enabling scholarship through our grants and journal (Innovations in Education & Teaching International), other publications such as SEDA Specials, Papers, Focus, book series and our renown magazine Educational Developments.

This collaborative project work culminated in the production of a series of outputs developed as practical resources with the aim of supporting HE leaders, academics, and students in higher education to review, plan for, and evaluate enhancement-led inclusive assessment policies, initiatives, and interventions. Each resource is framed by an overarching position statement we developed for the project that offers the lens through which we now invite universities and practitioners to critically consider their own assessment policies and practices. We believe inclusive assessment:

Utilising the brief review above, it can be seen that work-based learning has the potential to improve results in five of the six areas reviewed in this study. The reasons for this go to the heart of what makes contemporary work-based learning an important reform mechanism for education and training.

Despite the overwhelming consequences of the pandemic, this global crisis has also been an extraordinary time for learning. We are learning how adaptable and resilient educational systems, policy makers, teachers, students and families can be. In this blog (which is part of a series highlighting key lessons learned from a study to understand the perceived effectiveness of remote learning solutions, forthcoming) we summarize lessons learned in different countries, with special focus on teachers and how they had to quickly reimagine human connections and interactions to facilitate learning. The role of teachers is rapidly evolving becoming in many ways more difficult than when learning took place only in person.

The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is the national body responsible for leading and advising on the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education. We work with those who teach, learn and shape policy and practice to ensure a valued and informed teaching and learning culture in Irish higher education. We focus on the professional development of all those who teach, teaching and learning in a digital world, teaching and learning within and across disciplines, and student success. For more information, please visit us at or follow them @ForumTL. You can also watch a video about the forum here. 2ff7e9595c


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